We’re ALL feeling a bit wobbly these days, aren’t we? No matter. If falling a few times on our way from here to there, is what it takes to actually GET there, then so be it.

I’d Rather Walk.

Just before last summer ended, my 9 yr old son learned how to ride his bike. He was wobbly and unsure of himself – and fell a few times – like most of us when we’re learning to ride. But with practice, he overcame and finished his summer on a high-note …surrounded on the street by his neighborhood friends on their bikes, and a newfound freedom to get where he wanted to go.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 #StayHome initiative, we were like you – adapting to the new normal, and finding ways to be active outside as a family. The first nice day we had, we encouraged Carson to grab his bike from the garage and follow along as we took a walk together.

“Nah, it’s ok” he said. “I’d rather walk.”

He fell a few times.

We didn’t push back, but we both knew he was feeling skittish about getting on his bike again, wondering whether he’d remember how to ride. So every time we were out in the days that followed, we encouraged him to ride along, instead of walk.

And finally, he did!

Naturally, he was wobbly, unsure of himself – and fell a few times. I remember standing in the street one day while he was working at it. For whatever reason, he started to slow down, the bike began to wobble, and he almost lost his balance. I remember shouting “Just keep pedaling!” He picked up the pace, and little by little, regained his momentum, maintained his balance, and went on down the road with a big grin on his face.


I’m taking my own advice.

This afternoon, I realized I needed to take my own advice – to remember how important momentum is to forward motion, to maintaining balance, and moving down the road – in spite of how wobbly things may feel, or how unsure I am.

We’re ALL feeling a bit wobbly these days, aren’t we? No matter. If falling a few times on our way from here to there, is what it takes to actually GET there, then so be it.

Just keep pedaling, friends. You’ll feel the wind at your back again, soon enough, and it will all be worth it.

#10SPEEDStudios #StorybrandCertifiedGuide #ColumbusOH #creativeagency

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